Coronavirus Update (08/11/2022)

The CDC has updated it's guidelines in regards to isolation.  To read the updated guidelines, please click HERE.

The summary is this:  If you were exposed, go into isolation.  If you have no symptoms after 5 days, you may end your isolation.  If you had symptoms and are improving, you may end isolation after day 5 if you are fever-free for 24 hours.  If your symptoms are not improving, continue isolation until you start improving and are fever free for 24 hours.  CDC states you are most contagious during those first five days.

That being said, we are issuing the following updates and guidelines.  Please follow the procedures outlined below for everyone's protection (including my senior Mom's).  

· If you are required to isolate per CDC guidelines and have a grooming appointment scheduled within those first five days, please call to reschedule.  If you need food, we can do curbside.

- If you had ended isolation and it's between days 5-10, we just ask that you wear a mask. 

· Continue to be respectful of other’s personal space;

Grooming Protocol:  please adhere to these steps when visiting the salon:  

¨ Dogs: Please only have one collar/leash or one harness/leash on your pet and remove all other tethers, collars and clothing.  We will gladly accept your leash unless you’d prefer us to use a slip lead instead.

¨ Cats:  Please bring your cat in a clean, empty carrier (no towels, etc.)

¨ Nail Clinics will continue to be offeredFor more information about these clinics, please  click on the Nail Clinic page.  

These procedures will be in place until further notice.  Please remember that micro businesses such as myself incurred a huge financial impact (loss) that we cannot replace.  Careful planning of appointments is extremely important.  For future grooms (as always),  please do not wait until closer to your appointment to cancel.   Unless it’s an emergency or sudden illness, the late cancellation fee will apply.   

Thank you for your understanding.  Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have. As always, we are here to help!  

Coronavirus Update (May 18, 2021) - MASK FREE! 

Governor Baker is removing the mask mandate and cancelling the state of emergency!  As such, I am pleased to announce that we will no longer request clients to wear masks.    That being said, we are issuing the following updates and guidelines.  Please follow the procedures outlined below for everyone's protection (including my senior Mom's).  

· If you or a family member are sick or have been sick or exposed to anyone who has been sick with COVID-19, please visit us another time to avoid the risk of spread.  If you need food, please call to arrange curb side pickup.

· Be respectful of other’s personal space;

· It is your choice to wear a mask or not.  If you’d like us to wear a face covering when conducting transactions, please just ask.  We are happy to oblige!  

Grooming Protocol:  please adhere to these steps when visiting the salon:  

¨ Dogs: Please only have one collar/leash or one harness/leash on your pet and remove all other tethers, collars and clothing.  We will gladly accept your leash unless you’d prefer us to use a slip lead instead.

¨ Cats:  Please bring your cat in a clean, empty carrier (no towels, etc.)

¨ Nail Clinics will continue to be offeredFor more information about these clinics, please visit our website and click on the Nail Clinic tab which is under the Grooming tab.  

These procedures will be in place until further notice.  Please remember that micro businesses such as myself incurred a huge financial impact (loss) that we cannot replace.  Careful planning of appointments is extremely important.  For future grooms (as always),  please do not wait until closer to your appointment to cancel.   Unless it’s an emergency or sudden illness, the late cancellation fee will apply.   

Thank you for your understanding.  Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have. As always, we are here to help!  

[11/11/20] Coronavirus Update
You and your pet’s health and safety are important to us!  

STORE PROTOCOL:  Please continue to follow the procedures outlined below for everyone's protection (including my senior Mom's).

· Maintain social distancing of at least six (6) feet;

· Wear a mask unless medically unable to do so.

- We are not allowed to have customers out back in employee designated areas.

· If you or a family member are sick or have been sick or exposed to anyone who has been sick with COVID-19 or has traveled within the last 14 days (and/or are self-quarantining), please visit us another time to avoid the risk of spread.  If you need food, please call to arrange curb side pickup.   

GROOMING PROTOCOL:  we ask that you adhere to these steps when visiting the salon: 

¨ If you or a family member are sick or have been sick or exposed to anyone who has been sick with COVID-19 or has traveled within the last 14 days (and/or are self-quarantining), please call us immediately to reschedule your appointment to a future date. 

¨ Dogs: Please only have one collar/leash on your pet and remove all other tethers, collars and clothing.  Please watch this video as this is exactly how the exchange will occur: [CLICK HERE]

¨ Cats:  Please sanitize the carrier first and bring your cat in an empty carrier (no towels, etc.)


With the exception of a la carte nail appointments, we are scheduling all regular grooming services.  With addition to staff, we are staggering appointments and as such, are excited to welcome new clients. 

If you are a new client, please call and provide us with your email address so we can send you our new client packet.  This information can also be found under the Grooming tab (to the left).

Unfortunately, we still cannot allow clients in employee-only areas so we cannot offer grooming services where the owner offers assistance. 

Nail Clinics are being offered.  These are scheduled on a Sunday morning from 8:30 - 10:30.  Please see here for more information.  Nail Clinic

These procedures will be in place until further notice.  Please remember that micro businesses such as myself incurred a huge financial impact (loss) that we cannot replace.  Careful planning of appointments is extremely important.  For future grooms (as always),  please do not wait until closer to your appointment to cancel.   Unless it’s an emergency or sudden illness, the late cancellation fee will apply.   

Thank you for your understanding.  Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have. As always, we are here to help!  


GROOMING UPDATE.  Please be advised that we have completed all calls on our wait list and can now open up our book to schedule appointments.  We are also pleased to welcome new clients!  If you are looking for a new groomer, kindly click on the Grooming tab to the left and then Client Forms.  Kindly follow those instructions to set up a new account.

Please be sure to review the GROOMING PROTOCOLS in the section below (dated 05/18/20) as those are still required.  Please let us know if you have any questions.  Thank you! 


Governor Baker announced today the re-opening plan for Massachusetts.  As grooming is allowed in Phase 1 - effective Monday, May 25 - we are excited to announce that we will re-open our business on Tuesday, May 26.  As there are restrictions, please read the following:

Important Coronavirus Update 

You and your pet’s health and safety are important to us!  

We are excited to be re-opening full time on Tuesday, May 26 and will be following the same guidelines we put in place before we closed.   

We must insist that you follow these guidelines not only for your protection but to other clients as well as my family.  My senior Mother is looking forward to returning and I need to keep her safe!

· Maintain social distancing of at least six (6) feet;

· Wear a mask unless medically unable to do so.

· If you or a family member are sick or have been sick or exposed to anyone who has been sick with COVID-19 or has traveled within the last 14 days (and/or are self-quarantining), please visit us another time to avoid the risk of spread.  If you need food, please call to arrange curb side pickup.   

GROOMING PROTOCOL:  we ask that you adhere to these steps when visiting the salon: 

¨ If you or a family member are sick or have been sick or exposed to anyone who has been sick with COVID-19 or has traveled within the last 14 days (and/or are self-quarantining), please call us immediately to reschedule your appointment to a future date. 

¨ Dogs: Please only have one collar/leash on your pet and remove all other tethers, collars and clothing.  Please watch this video as this is exactly how the exchange will occur: [CLICK HERE]

¨ Cats:  Please sanitize the carrier first and bring your cat in an empty carrier (no towels, etc.)

¨ Please note that in order to groom as many pets as possible that missed appointments, there will be no de-matting; pets will be shaved if any mats are found, including ears and tail.  No exceptions.  We need to get everyone back on track.  Additional charges will apply for extra time and/or mat removal.  Thank you for your understanding!  


As we had to cancel seven weeks worth of grooms, we need to prioritize.  Please note the following:

* We will not be accepting new clients as our loyal clients are my first priority.

* Please do not call to schedule an appointment.  We cannot schedule appointments until we are caught up with the priority grooms.  Clients who have missed appointments will be called first. 

* Priority grooms are full service grooms—bath and a haircut.  No other appointments will be made (i.e. nails, brush-outs, cat shave downs, etc.).

* Clients cannot come out back; therefore, we will be unable to groom any pet where the owner helps or where an assistant is needed.

* We will be having a nail clinic for current clients only.  This will be held on a Sunday morning. More information to follow.  

These procedures will be in place until further notice.  Please remember that micro businesses such as myself incurred a huge financial impact (loss) that we cannot replace.  Careful planning of appointments is extremely important.  For future grooms (as always),  please do not wait until closer to your appointment to cancel.   Unless it’s an emergency or sudden illness, the late cancellation fee will apply.   

Thank you for your understanding.  Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have. As always, we are here to help!  


Important Coronavirus Update 

GOVERNOR EXTENSION TO MAY 18  You and your pet’s health and safety are important to us so we will remain closed to the public through May 18 as well.  

In the event you need food while we are closed—DO NOT WORRY!  I will be checking in daily so feel free to contact us and I will make arrangements to meet you at the store.  We will only accept cash or check if the store is closed.  

BUT, we will open the store to the public on Saturdays from 8:30—12:30 and will accept all forms of payment including credit cards.  Please be sure to follow social distancing and other CDC guidelines.  Thank you!  

GROOMING:  At this time, we will be canceling all appointments through the end of May.  We do not know if the Governor will extend it again or open up earlier.  It will be easier to start re-scheduling with a clean slate but we will need to prioritize appointments.  When we do start up, we will be following the same procedures we put into place before the shutdown. We’ll be able to advise more once we hear back from the CDC.  

Please continue to be diligent on home care to prevent matting and undercoat buildup.  In order to service as many clients as possible when we re-open, we will not have the time to de-mat.  Your pet will be taken down (shaved) if we cannot get a comb through it’s entire coat.    All fee structures are still in effect.  

Thank you for your understanding.  Please stay home and stay safe!Love and prayers to you all!   

For K-9s & Felines, LLC
Dedicated to the health & happiness of your pet!  

[04/25/20 Update]

Important Coronavirus Update 

You and your pet’s health and safety are important to us!  

Governor Baker extended his declaration that all non-essential businesses be closed through May 4.  While pet food and supply stores are essential and we had every intention of staying open to serve our clients, we feel at this time and for the greater good, that we close our store to the public.

If you need food or supplies, please let us know and we will make arrangements to meet at the store.  You can leave a message on our voicemail, send us an email or message us through the store's Facebook page.  We will accept cash or check as payment during this time. 

Small and micro businesses, like ours, will be hurt the most during this time as we will not have the revenue to pay our bills or worse, to recover.  We would still appreciate your business rather than shopping online. 

Grooming appointments through May 2 have been cancelled. Please be diligent in keeping up with your pet's coat (brushing and combing) during this time to prevent matting.  If you are able to trim nails, please do so as nail health is just as important.  We look forward to seeing all of our clients and their pets when we re-open. 

Please be sure to follow us on Facebook for any changes to our hours as we will start being open to the public on Saturdays.  The scroll bar on this website's home page will be updated with those hours as well.

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns that you may have. As always, we are here to help.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation